Stakeholder Interview

To start the UX process I conducted stakeholder interviews.

Some example questions from the stakeholder interviews:

  • What are your short and long-term business goals?

  • Who are your users?

  • What are some of your company values?

  • What are some of your product concerns?

  • Who are some of your major competitors?

  • What are your primary sales channels?

  • What is your definition of product success?

Stakeholder: Sandy (staff member at Zara)

Goals for Zara's Website:
  • Sell clothing and accessories online.

  • Provide a seamless shopping experience with a focus on accessibility and a classy look.

  • Showcase latest trends and fast-moving inventory on the homepage.

Descriptions of Zara's Website:
  • Currently, the website aims to make shopping easy and accessible with a clean look.

  • Emphasis on showcasing products, colors, and sizes for quick decision-making.

  • Mention of some disconnect between pages, particularly on the homepage.

Target Customer Base:
  • Primarily targeting a diverse audience, especially those aged 25 to 40.

  • Zara aims to stand for diversity and unity through its clothing offerings.

Desired User Descriptives:
  • Users should feel beautiful, confident, and connected when shopping on Zara's site.

  • The focus is on providing a classy and professional look through the clothing offerings.

Current Design System:
  • The design system includes a lot of whitespace, which may need a balance with more colors.

  • Desire for a playful and colorful approach while maintaining an elite and upscale feel.

Must-Haves for Representing Zara:
  • More information on the homepage, showcasing the latest trends and fast-moving inventory.

  • A splash of color to enhance the visual appeal and atmosphere of the website.

  • Creating an environment where users feel classy and confident while shopping online.

Competitor Mention:
  • Sandy sees H&M as a similar competitor to Zara but has not explored their website.

Overall Feedback:
  • Sandy likes the overall direction of the website but points out some areas for improvement.

  • Expresses discomfort with certain aspects like ghostly figures and a feeling of being lost.

  • Sandy appreciates the website's direction and feels inclined to explore more but suggests fixing specific elements to enhance the overall user experience.