Use Case Scenarios

Use Case Scenario for Ivy

  1. Use Case 1: Purchasing an Item
  • Initiation:

    • Ivy opens her laptop and goes to the Zara website, motivated by the desire to find stylish and versatile clothing for her upcoming social events.

  • Login:

    • She logs into her Zara account to access personalized recommendations based on her previous purchases and preferences.

  • Browsing:

    • Ivy navigates to the "New Arrivals" section to explore the latest trends, looking for pieces that align with her fashion preferences.

  • Filtering:

    • Using the website's filters, Ivy refines her search by selecting her preferred size, colors, and clothing types to ensure a personalized and efficient shopping experience.

  • Product Selection:

    • Ivy finds a trendy blouse and a pair of versatile jeans that catch her eye. She adds them to her cart, excited about the prospect of mixing and matching these items for different occasions.

  • Reviews and Recommendations:

    • Before making the final decision, Ivy checks product reviews to ensure the items are true to size and of good quality. She appreciates the insights from other customers.

  • Checkout:

    • Satisfied with her choices, Ivy proceeds to checkout. The website offers her seamless payment options, and she receives a confirmation of her order.

  • Delivery Tracking:

    • Ivy tracks the delivery of her order through the Zara website, eagerly anticipating the arrival of her new wardrobe additions.

  • Wardrobe Enhancement:

    • Once the package arrives, Ivy incorporates the new Zara pieces into her wardrobe, excited about the fresh and stylish options for her upcoming events and travel.