Low Fidelity Wireframes

Design Decisions in Low-Fidelity Mockups:

Distinct Identities for Security and Mental Health:

  • Why: To clearly communicate the dual identity of Bizaan as a provider of both mental health and security staffing services, separate visual identities were established for each section. This helps users easily distinguish between the two primary offerings on the platform.

Visual Hierarchy and Categorization:

  • Why: Employing a clear visual hierarchy and categorization ensures that users can quickly identify and navigate to the relevant section based on their needs. This design decision enhances the overall user experience by reducing cognitive load and streamlining the user journey.

Intuitive Navigation for Finding Therapists:

  • Why: Design decisions focus on creating an intuitive navigation flow for users seeking mental health services. This includes a user-friendly search bar, clear filters for therapist specialties and locations, and prominent calls-to-action to guide users through the process of finding and booking a therapist.

User-Friendly Booking Process:

  • Why: The design prioritizes a user-friendly booking process for mental health services, ensuring that users can seamlessly schedule appointments with therapists. Clear steps, visible appointment details, and easy access to user accounts contribute to a positive and efficient user experience.

Strategic Placement of Calls-to-Action:

  • Why: Calls-to-action (CTAs) are strategically placed to guide users through the desired actions. Whether it's finding a therapist or requesting a quote for security services, well-placed CTAs facilitate a smooth user journey, reducing friction in decision-making processes.

Low Fidelity Wireframes

Design Decisions in Low-Fidelity Mockups:

Distinct Identities for Security and Mental Health:

  • Why: To clearly communicate the dual identity of Bizaan as a provider of both mental health and security staffing services, separate visual identities were established for each section. This helps users easily distinguish between the two primary offerings on the platform.

Visual Hierarchy and Categorization:

  • Why: Employing a clear visual hierarchy and categorization ensures that users can quickly identify and navigate to the relevant section based on their needs. This design decision enhances the overall user experience by reducing cognitive load and streamlining the user journey.

Intuitive Navigation for Finding Therapists:

  • Why: Design decisions focus on creating an intuitive navigation flow for users seeking mental health services. This includes a user-friendly search bar, clear filters for therapist specialties and locations, and prominent calls-to-action to guide users through the process of finding and booking a therapist.

User-Friendly Booking Process:

  • Why: The design prioritizes a user-friendly booking process for mental health services, ensuring that users can seamlessly schedule appointments with therapists. Clear steps, visible appointment details, and easy access to user accounts contribute to a positive and efficient user experience.

Strategic Placement of Calls-to-Action:

  • Why: Calls-to-action (CTAs) are strategically placed to guide users through the desired actions. Whether it's finding a therapist or requesting a quote for security services, well-placed CTAs facilitate a smooth user journey, reducing friction in decision-making processes.

Low Fidelity Wireframes

Design Decisions in Low-Fidelity Mockups:

Distinct Identities for Security and Mental Health:

  • Why: To clearly communicate the dual identity of Bizaan as a provider of both mental health and security staffing services, separate visual identities were established for each section. This helps users easily distinguish between the two primary offerings on the platform.

Visual Hierarchy and Categorization:

  • Why: Employing a clear visual hierarchy and categorization ensures that users can quickly identify and navigate to the relevant section based on their needs. This design decision enhances the overall user experience by reducing cognitive load and streamlining the user journey.

Intuitive Navigation for Finding Therapists:

  • Why: Design decisions focus on creating an intuitive navigation flow for users seeking mental health services. This includes a user-friendly search bar, clear filters for therapist specialties and locations, and prominent calls-to-action to guide users through the process of finding and booking a therapist.

User-Friendly Booking Process:

  • Why: The design prioritizes a user-friendly booking process for mental health services, ensuring that users can seamlessly schedule appointments with therapists. Clear steps, visible appointment details, and easy access to user accounts contribute to a positive and efficient user experience.

Strategic Placement of Calls-to-Action:

  • Why: Calls-to-action (CTAs) are strategically placed to guide users through the desired actions. Whether it's finding a therapist or requesting a quote for security services, well-placed CTAs facilitate a smooth user journey, reducing friction in decision-making processes.

Low Fidelity Wireframes

Design Decisions in Low-Fidelity Mockups:

Distinct Identities for Security and Mental Health:

  • Why: To clearly communicate the dual identity of Bizaan as a provider of both mental health and security staffing services, separate visual identities were established for each section. This helps users easily distinguish between the two primary offerings on the platform.

Visual Hierarchy and Categorization:

  • Why: Employing a clear visual hierarchy and categorization ensures that users can quickly identify and navigate to the relevant section based on their needs. This design decision enhances the overall user experience by reducing cognitive load and streamlining the user journey.

Intuitive Navigation for Finding Therapists:

  • Why: Design decisions focus on creating an intuitive navigation flow for users seeking mental health services. This includes a user-friendly search bar, clear filters for therapist specialties and locations, and prominent calls-to-action to guide users through the process of finding and booking a therapist.

User-Friendly Booking Process:

  • Why: The design prioritizes a user-friendly booking process for mental health services, ensuring that users can seamlessly schedule appointments with therapists. Clear steps, visible appointment details, and easy access to user accounts contribute to a positive and efficient user experience.

Strategic Placement of Calls-to-Action:

  • Why: Calls-to-action (CTAs) are strategically placed to guide users through the desired actions. Whether it's finding a therapist or requesting a quote for security services, well-placed CTAs facilitate a smooth user journey, reducing friction in decision-making processes.

Low Fidelity Wireframes

Design Decisions in Low-Fidelity Mockups:

Distinct Identities for Security and Mental Health:

  • Why: To clearly communicate the dual identity of Bizaan as a provider of both mental health and security staffing services, separate visual identities were established for each section. This helps users easily distinguish between the two primary offerings on the platform.

Visual Hierarchy and Categorization:

  • Why: Employing a clear visual hierarchy and categorization ensures that users can quickly identify and navigate to the relevant section based on their needs. This design decision enhances the overall user experience by reducing cognitive load and streamlining the user journey.

Intuitive Navigation for Finding Therapists:

  • Why: Design decisions focus on creating an intuitive navigation flow for users seeking mental health services. This includes a user-friendly search bar, clear filters for therapist specialties and locations, and prominent calls-to-action to guide users through the process of finding and booking a therapist.

User-Friendly Booking Process:

  • Why: The design prioritizes a user-friendly booking process for mental health services, ensuring that users can seamlessly schedule appointments with therapists. Clear steps, visible appointment details, and easy access to user accounts contribute to a positive and efficient user experience.

Strategic Placement of Calls-to-Action:

  • Why: Calls-to-action (CTAs) are strategically placed to guide users through the desired actions. Whether it's finding a therapist or requesting a quote for security services, well-placed CTAs facilitate a smooth user journey, reducing friction in decision-making processes.